Monday, 17 December 2012

Candy Package

This week we were to create our own candy packaging. I used the standard box template, changing it with many gradient filters and layer properties.

Wednesday, 5 December 2012

Travel Poster

This week's project we were to make a travel poster on any place in the world. Growing up in Vancouver, I decided to do it on the city I grew up in. I found a nice scenic picture of Vancouver on the internet and changed its layer styles giving it a nicer and more calming view. A text layer was created and rasterized, it was then blurred and an outer glow was added giving my final awesome picture

Yaletown, Downtown Vancouver

Monday, 26 November 2012

Random Project

This week's project was a random project. We were to chose an animal and fill it up with different images to create a collage. I found many images, cropped it out and fitted it around,
My project is done on a lion.

Monday, 19 November 2012

Mixed Media Self Portrait

For this project our class were to do a self portrait; blending and modifying layer properties I came up this as a finished project.

Monday, 5 November 2012

Environmental Awareness Poster

For this assignment Mrs. Henderson wanted us to create a social or environmental awareness poster. I chose to do my poster on recycling, I created a poster with lots of colors to illustrate the potential beauty of the world by being aware and care for the planet. I merged together a several components of the picture and changed some layer properties.

Wednesday, 24 October 2012


An animal themed chessboard constructed with Photoshop with my partner Stuart. We separated the two sides, one with land animals and the other with underwater animals. The separate chess pieces were made transparent with the magic wand tool and then the 3-D tool was used to arrange and place the chess pieces.

Monday, 22 October 2012

Surreal Image

An image illustrating surrealism, and by merging a few images together gives this surreal work a bit of a darkened mood in time for Halloween.